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Yeh Hsing-jou

Freelance art worker. She had been worked in ET@T and Digital Art Foundation for 9 years, and has left her last position as the representative of ET@T Lab Theater, January 2023. She is interested in art history in 1990s Taiwan and the literacy of audiovisual archive. She will be enrolled in the doctoral program of the School of Fine Arts, TNUA, starting from September 2023. Website:


.關鍵字:杜昭賢、新生態藝術環境、替代空間、市民社會、九〇年代 .Key Words: Jamie Tu, New Phase Art Space, Alternative Space, Civil Society, 1990s   ...
.關鍵字:王福瑞、經.神.經、實驗噪音、NOISE小誌、九〇年代 .Key Words: Fujui Wang, Ching-Shen-Ching, Experimental Noise, NOISE fanzine, 1990s   ...
.關鍵字:王福瑞、實驗噪音、野百合學運(三月學運)、零與聲音解放組織、「同人」文化 .Key Words: Fujui Wang, Experimental Noise, Wild Lily Student Movement (also known as March Student Movement...
.關鍵字:黃明川、獨立製片、黃明川「神話三部曲」、紀錄片、九〇年代 .Key Words: Huang Mingchuan, Independent Filmmaking, Huang Mingchuan’s “Myth Trilogy”, Documentary, 1990s   ...
.關鍵字:黃明川、攝影、美麗島事件(高雄事件)、《臺灣文藝》、八〇年代 .Key Words: Huang Mingchuan, Photography, Formosa Incident (also known as Kaohsiung Incident), “Taiwan Liter...
.關鍵字:周逸昌、黃明川、王福瑞、「自己幹」(DIY)、九〇年代 .Key Words: Zhou Yi-Chang, Huang Mingchuan, Fujui Wang, DIY(Do It Yourself), 1990s   ...
City Sonic 2015 九月初,邁入第13屆的「城市之音:國際聲音藝術節」(City Sonic: International Sound Art(s) Festival,以下簡稱「城市之音」藝術節)再次於比利時蒙斯(Mons)展開。半個月的展期間,素有「高地古城」之稱的蒙斯吸納超過70組的...
「在地」來自時代,「實驗」則來自否定 2015年適逢「在地實驗」(Etat)20週年,幾個月以來,順勢兜起對週年事件的規劃數度在討論中翻盤:無論是事件型式、過往要事揀選,或者「在地實驗」新舊參與者共議的模組,至今仍持續變異、一再擴增。這段看似反覆「歸零」的討論事實上並非徒勞,反而,它是一段回望「在地...