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ISSUE 26 : “Don’t Panic”
To An Equally Sober and Immoral Generation
May 11th, 2016Type: Image
Author: Rikey Tenn Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《現代美術》no.176
Note: This article is an article written by the author for coverage of “Taipei Arts Awards observation” for Modern Art journal. The subheading of the aforementioned article is “A perspective on Black-box” as a re-interpreted “Black-box theory” through cybernetic epistemology. From this perspective, we witness how Che-Wei Chen, through Ginsburg (Beat Generation) the American queer poet in 1950s and the relational traces of the times he lived in, re-constructs an understanding on black-box between the artist and contemporary Taiwan, reflecting the voices of the collective suppressed by the times.
Chen, Che-wei, 我的心與你同在羅克蘭; photo courtesy of artist
Chen, Che-wei, "在齁空間裡嚎叫" (installation view, 2015); photo courtesy of artist
Chen Che-wei, 在齁空間裡嚎囂, 預言; photo courtesy of artist