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Isabell Lorey: Governmentality and Self-Precarization
Isabell Lorey選譯—治理術與自我遊動化
August 27th, 2016Type: Translation
Author: 戚育瑄 (翻譯), 林書全 (校訂) Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: Simon Sheikh (Ed.). CAPITAL (It Fails Us Now). Berlin: b_books 2006, pp. 117-139
Note: "Precarization has always been an inherent contradiction in liberal governmentality and disturbed the stabilizing dynamic between freedom and security. Presently, normal labor conditions oriented on a male breadwinner, a situation largely accessible only for the majority society, is losing its hegemony, and precarization is increasingly a part of governmental normalization techniques and as a result, in neo-liberalism it transforms from an inherent contradiction to a hegemonic function." Isabell Lorey is a prominent theorist on the recent discussions of “Self-precarization.” This article is based on Foucault’s concept of governmentality, and, along this context, aims to capture the appearance of precarization that came along with neoliberal hegemony.
Photo courtesy of Isabell Lorey
Photo courtesy of Hou I-ting