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Total 140 posts
聲線計劃:地理記事三則 Wu, Chi-yu 沈森森致穎Zoey Wu (Translator)
Sound Scene
March 2nd, 2017
Crossing the Sea Contemporary art as an interdisciplinary subject is never the accumulation of a certain knowledge. Tossing on the sea of social science research, art creation unfolds a piece of tiny ...
In her documentary Oh, Saigon (2007), Đoan Hoàng revisits the last days of the Vietnamese civil war not as a Cold War battleground or an anti-imperial war of national liberation, but as “the moment my...
論污鄙地誌學與現代繪測之問題 陳柏維 (翻譯)許芳慈 (潤稿)
December 29th, 2016
Here is the problem: looking at a map of a place is nothing like actually being there. The same is true when looking at a photograph or reading a story – but in the case of a map, it comes with ...
Hoo Fan Chon: Since I was little, and growing up in predominantly Chinese neighbourhood, I was puzzled by the concepts of “motherland” and “mother tongue” mentioned by elder members in the family. I d...
The following conversation with the U.S.-based scholar on race, colonialism and diaspora, Lisa Lowe, was conducted as part of Hong-Kai Wang’s research into the politics of reconstituting a radical his...
1990:洛杉磯,〈金色大地〉 Felix Gonzalez-TorresFutoshi Miyagi (選文)林冠妤 (翻譯)
October 25th, 2016
1990: Already ten years into trickle down economics, a rise in cynicism, growing racial and class tension, and the widening gap between the very rich and the rest of us. Los Angeles before the riots o...
On 28 March 1958, the biggest traffic jam in Singapore’s history took place along the eleven-and-a-half-mile stretch of Bukit Timah Road and Jurong Road, west of the city. The occasion was the o...
This is not… the record of a traveler’s experiences in a foreign land. It is a series of sketches of Malay scenery and Malay character drawn by one who has spent the best part of his life in the...
亞洲的真實性:馬來西亞的魔幻寫實場景 Wang, Po-wei Cliff Chang (translator)
Meeting NML
July 11th, 2016
This article originally stems from the Meeting No Man’s Land series: “Art-in-Production 2: Yao Lee Chun + Au Sow Yee”, organized by No Man’s Land. Yao, Lee-chun, the director of Guling Street Av...