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Total 140 posts
「文學之城」與阿米爾穆罕默德的訪談 LiteraCity鄭文琦 (翻譯)
September 18th, 2017
Amir Muhammad:
 Maybe not dramatically, but psychologically. If we observe writers like Hamzah Hussein and A. Samad Said, they were formerly based in Singapore, and later moved here. This includes P. ...
「文學之城」與沙末塞益的訪談 LiteraCity鄭文琦 (翻譯)
September 18th, 2017
A. Samad Said:
 There is a long poem written by Ahmad Kamal Abdullah. If I am not mistaken, the title is “Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur” and it was staged. So, to say that there are no (works talking abo...
Before I begin my presentation, I would like to play two short videos for the audience. The first video is “How do we meet? How can we meet?” (2016), a video I made during my residency in ...
Reading should be encouraged at all times, with an effort to promote books that are worthwhile and that enlarge the recruit’s facility to encounter the world of letters and great national proble...
Syafiatudina選譯—Numpang,棲居之閥值 Syafiatudina 鄭文琦 (翻譯)
August 24th, 2017
What is numpang? A friend of mine has been living in a communal house for his whole life. Once he lived in and took care of the headquarters of an artist-run space in the south of Yogyakarta. He didn’...
Zikri Rahman選譯—感知都市文學 Zikri Rahman 陳啟耀, 卓慧妮, 張雪兒, 張瑞婷, 陳巧建, 蕭瑋琪 (翻譯)蘇穎欣 (校潤)
August 5th, 2017
From the depths of imagination and actual places traced by writers and theirs characters in literature, the city of Kuala Lumpur becomes alive, and will forever be so, with more 110 works of literatur...
Zikri Rahman選譯—繪製吉隆坡文學空間 Zikri Rahman 許詠榕, 吳畹妤, 劉欣楠, 洪靜儀, 楊曼玉 (翻譯)曾劍鳴 (校潤)
August 5th, 2017
…form and symbol of an integrated social relationship: it is the seat of a temple, the market, the hall of justice, the academy of learning. Here is where human experience is transformed into vi...
與周盈貞對話:語言與遷徙的藝術 Okui LalaAlecia Neo (訪談)鄭文琦 (翻譯)
August 1st, 2017
1. I like to use this symbol as a way to describe my art practice: Relationship = self >< others This can be read as a two-way relationship, a journey that travels back and forth. Often, I initi...
廢島、受傷的人、非地方與招魂術 Au Sow Yee 戚育瑄Kris Chi (翻譯)
June 30th, 2017
This is a monologue from Derek Jarman’s movie, Sebastiane: Hail god of the golden sun The heavens and Earth are united in gold Comb your hair in the golden rays of light In your hands the roses of ecs...