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Animation of Poor Image, Or “Post-Digital” Future of Animation?
August 3rd, 2016Type: Image
Author: Rikey Tenn Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 關鍵評論網(2016年7月);此處為未刪減版。
Note: Tu, Pei-Shih’s style used to feature frame-by-frame animation that combined hand-drawing and collage of ready-made. The Abstraction Series is her first attempt to make animation with sequential-time frames of images. Through zooming-in and focusing on parts of thousands frames and printing them out, she reproduces animation that synchronizes the original timeline of the video, and the result is entirely different. It poses a question: is a animation film made with video as materials eligible to be deemed different from a video? Or ,rephrased with her own words, ”could any video work fit the logic of pixilation, meaning it would be an animation that is visually abstract but made with stop motion?”
Tu Pei-shih, 抽象與真人動畫的“2014年10月18日戈洛夫金大戰鲁比奥", 2016, 彩色無聲, HD定格動畫四頻道投影, 3'10"; image courtesy of artist
Tu Pei-shih, 抽象與真人動畫的“射入亞洲美眉的騷穴“, 2015, 彩色無聲, HD定格動畫單頻道, 4'10"; image courtsy of artist
Tu Pei-shih, 抽象系列 (DAC); photo courtesy of DAC