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Filter By art-production , Total 60 posts
張恩滿蝸牛系列之探究:爬行痕跡中的階級品味 Chang, En-Man Tsai Mu-jung (translator)Hoo Fan Chon (proofreader)
Art Production
March 10th, 2019
From 2009 to 2013, I have completed a series of 6 snail-themed art projects, which engaged cooking as a point of departure to expand the notions of savour, flavour and delight. These notions can be su...
Judha Su選譯:敬啟者(或可能有關者) Judha Su鄭文琦 (翻譯)
Art Production
December 20th, 2018
Imagine the awkward moment of writing to someone unknown: we do not know whom we are talking to. We undertake the overture with speculation and nervous anticipation, hoping that the communication will...
南洋放送局:為228和平紀念公園所做的聲音導覽 Syafiatudina 群島資料庫Nusantara Archive
Art Production
September 30th, 2018
Dear listeners, you are now listening to an audio guide for the Taipei New Park, also known as 228 Peace Memorial Park, written by Indonesian artist Syafiatudina in Dec 2017, supported by KUNCI Radio ...
製圖、聆聽與地方性 Rikey Tenn Hoo Fan Chon (Translator)
Art Production
September 1st, 2018
I. PETAMU Project and Nusantara Archive The word “PETAMU” is taken from the colloquial use of “your map” (peta kamu) in the Malay language. In this project, we attempt to use the lingua fr...
During my residency in Taipei, I have been looking for archives and references on the connection of Indonesia and Taiwan, both historically and contemporary. This search had brought me to museums and ...
World Map The world map captured through the lens seemed a bit deformed – Asia and Africa, especially the regions near the equator, were not as elongated as we would normally expect. There were many t...
Art Production
May 29th, 2017