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Filter By opinion , Total 120 posts
“There are no gods nor ghosts in this world. Human beings are the most horrible ghosts in this world. We are living in hell,” said Tashi.(註1) This is what he says most frequently. In this life, he has...
He He has probably forgotten the name that he was given by his own family. Throughout the many years that have passed, he has used several names. Even his Tibetan wife did not know his real family nam...
Ever since the Dalai Lama’s first visit to Taiwan in 1997, discussions and studies of issues related to Tibet have gradually increased. Among these discussions and studies, some have focused on the co...
悠游自在 吳礽喻
March 14th, 2023
去/中心化 黃彥霖 (黃豆泥)
January 17th, 2023