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Filter By literature , Total 16 posts
《臺灣理論關鍵詞》:譯鄉人 洪子惠Tzu-hui Hung
March 25th, 2022
從新加坡地景釋放的文學 K. Kangalatha盧明威Sebastian Susilo (中譯)
January 6th, 2021
Tamil literature, culture, and lifestyle have always been strongly influenced by the geography of the homeland. It is only in Singapore that Tamils first found their literary inspiration became detach...
新加坡酷兒文學概論 Ng Yi-Sheng盧明威Sebastian Susilo (中譯)
January 6th, 2021
On 27 August 2020, Marylyn Tan / 陈瑞琳 became the first woman poet to win the Singapore Literature Prize. Less than an hour after her victory, this news was broadcast online by the country’s leading Eng...
In the year 1841, a Malay-speaking scribe in Singapore named Abdullah Bin Abdul Kadir wrote about his visit to the Sesostris, a British ship laying in harbor on its way to China. In lively prose, Abdu...
In the past, there were only two notions for those who sported a beard here: either you were in a religious preacher group or a notorious person. You were either black or white. But as human beings, w...
「文學之城」與阿米爾穆罕默德的訪談 LiteraCity鄭文琦 (翻譯)
September 18th, 2017
Amir Muhammad:
 Maybe not dramatically, but psychologically. If we observe writers like Hamzah Hussein and A. Samad Said, they were formerly based in Singapore, and later moved here. This includes P. ...