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ISSUE 15 : Digitalization: from Vision to Motion
Analogue and Digital II: Digital Images?
March 25th, 2014Type: Image
Author: Lee, Li-chun Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《典藏今藝術》no.258
Note: To answer the question about or of Digital Art, the author tries to quest the origin of the word "digital" in this series... Is it an ontological or methodological question referring to classification of digital artworks or images? Or, is it the style, the nature, or the media which we mean in our speaking of "digital" art?
(圖1) 在電腦螢幕上放大的數位圖片
(圖2) 掃描式穿隧電子顯微鏡scanning tunneling microscope測量金屬表面奈米結構; image originally created by IBM Corporation
(圖3) 超音波技術ultrasonography呈現九個月大胎兒2D圖像