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ISSUE 33 : Nothing Digital (But…)
Video Eulogy: Reconsidering the Negative on the Horizon of Moving Image
May 14th, 2017類型: Image
作者: 許芳慈
出處: 2016年台灣國際錄像藝術展(TIVA)





倒捲歷史葛藤:磁帶與否台灣錄像藝術 (註3)

台灣錄像藝術的複雜性歸因於其不同譯名之更迭,在〈反覆追逐未竟的疆界:錄像藝術的台灣雜誌史〉的研究專文中,江凌青回溯自1970年代即在台灣藝評書寫中出現的「錄影藝術」,剖析推衍「錄影藝術」與「錄像藝術」殊異之涵意,即便兩個詞彙在英文都對應著「video art」。前者,首次刊載於1975年四月《雄獅美術》第50期的〈米蘭・巴黎藝壇近況〉,該報導連結以「錄影磁帶」為核心中介並透過電視放映的美學意義 (註4);1982年,白南準與他的藝術實踐則透過一篇報導白南準回顧展的評論,進入台灣的藝術脈絡 (註5)。江凌青更指出甘尚平於1987年發表在《雄獅美術》的文章中,提出對於使用「錄影藝術」一詞的不確定感,在他的文中,藉著以「電子錄像藝術」區別這類創作實踐與電影和錄影之不同;四年之後,於台北市立美館舉行的《法國VIDEO藝術聯展》是錄影藝術在台灣首度的官方展覽,這代表著錄影做為創作媒材在台灣藝術界的確立。(註6)

台灣錄影藝術發展的批判性反思則在1987年解嚴之後陸續提出,江凌青以陳傳興1988年初發表的文章,指出錄影藝術相對於當時相對保守藝術創作狀態,更有回應當時政治社會劇變的能動性。(註7) 1990年代初期,身兼媒體研究者與藝術家的王俊傑不但透過系統性地書寫賦予影像藝術論述相關的後殖民視角,並藉著轉為使用「錄像藝術」提出錄影藝術美學範式的獨立性與反工具支配的批判。(註8) 2000年左右,在藝評書寫中,「錄像藝術」已經逐漸取代「錄影藝術」,例如,2001年湯皇珍在《聯合文學》上發表關於袁廣鳴的評論,即採以「錄像藝術」一詞; 2003 年《電影欣賞》則由林志明主編一期錄像藝術專題,他在專文中強調希望能透過使用「錄像藝術」而非「錄影藝術」來重申當前的動態影像創作框架已「從『另一種電視』走向『另一種電影』(註9)。2005年由陳永賢與胡朝聖協同策畫的第一屆《台灣國際錄像藝術展》也可以說是直接參與了這股「錄像藝術」的輿論建構,創作上也逐漸發展出其獨到的美學特徵與系譜,透過藝術家與策展人的持續合作,觀注鑲嵌於錄像媒材生命史的論述得以與殖民經驗連結,將這段受紀錄性媒材凝視的經驗納入媒體考古學中討論,得以將錄像藝術的相關討論與歐美錄像藝術的論述並置,而不至於消解台灣動態影像藝術的歷史化過程,「錄影藝術」與「錄像藝術」詞語轉變,使得批判性提問得以從作品內容之命題出發,重新詮釋媒材之藝術意涵,透過「錄像藝術」與「錄影藝術」的辯證關係之美學詰問,將動態影像的感知經驗放置在廣泛的社會歷史脈絡中理解。

《負地平線:第5屆台灣國際錄像展》試圖拓展錄像藝術作為機械生產影像的認知框架,參展藝術家與影像工作者聚焦於媒材與社會記憶之創作命題,將錄像轉化為輿論空間,以現代性暴力之於影像移動的關聯作為分析取徑,檢視伊娜・布洛姆藉著提出「記憶技術」的概念,以媒體藝術史為軸線脈絡化「記憶、再現與社會本體論」的關聯性,提出以錄像的媒材反身能動性思考重構社會力量,剖析研究錄像藝術之潛在意義。(註10) 人類的影像經歷不但透過種種記憶科技反覆地儲存摘錄,而這過程本身也是一種社會化的集體形構,無論是哪一種格式(磁帶或光碟)、或者哪一種訊號源(類比或數位),作為承載記憶的物件,它們體現著記憶政治的實存。就某種程度而言,《負地平線》檢視錄像藝術的跨媒材性,從動態影像的美學治域與社會記憶的辯證張力,試圖將相關討論從主流美術史的脈絡中解放出來。

面對這個提問,其中最具代表性的作品是高重黎的〈幻燈簡報電影之七 延遲的刺點—堤II〉,作為台灣錄像藝術的先驅之一,高重黎重構幻燈片放映機傳達他對音訊與視覺之間的辯證張力,同時藉此闡述其他動態影像形式所無法傳達的訊息。(註11) 高重黎的幻燈簡報電影系列可以回溯到〈人肉的滋味〉(2010),透過機器影像與影像機器的知性蒙太奇,他詰問機器複製藝術的核心癥結,在〈延遲的刺點—堤II〉高重黎透過大量從網路購置的濕版火棉膠攝影的玻璃負片為影像敘事的主軸,循著這些攝於日本參與太平洋戰爭前的日常影像,高重黎重新剪輯了克里斯・馬克的〈堤〉(1962)與日本導演木下惠介的反戰名作〈24隻眼睛〉(1954)。如同高重黎在影片中所闡釋:「負像是—影像的影像,技術的技術,時間的時間。」高重黎探討影像的政治物質性以及其社會歷史,揭示我們受制於電影動態影像的機械感時間之中的生命經驗與歷史敘事,此外,他同時批判美學治域作為當代生命的新型態管理,也呼應著劉吉雄導演在〈例外之地 v.1.0〉中運用政宣電影片段的論證寓意。




出身於日本北海道的永山則夫(1949-1977),在北海道的鄉間的幼年生活極為艱苦,1965年前往東京希望能改善生活條件,其後卻以一把竊自東京近郊美軍基地的手槍射殺四人,被捕時年僅19歲。(註12) 湯英伸(1967-1987)出身台灣阿里山的特富野村,(註13) 因其原住民的身份飽受歧視,於1986年休學移居台北,同年由於超時工作和遭受虐待,殺害雇主夫婦與其女兒,遭槍決時年僅19歲。(註14) 受到社會學者過度簡化湯英伸殺人動機的解釋所刺激,即使在最高法院判決其死刑定讞後,《人間》編輯陳映真(1937-2016)仍與其同僚懇請社會大眾支持湯英伸,湯英伸的故事不僅以文字傳播,更有《人間》團隊盡心盡力的攝影記者所拍攝的影像紀錄,而在紀念湯英伸之死的《人間》第20期中,編輯群則對於自身的媒體介入,由於他們遭政府視為異議團體而加速判決結果的可能性提出痛悟的反思。(註15)

近似的省思也曾在1960年代末期困擾著導演足立正生,他自問:「若不就針對永山行為的社會刻板詮釋做出迴響,我們如何能理解這位年輕人在19歲的年紀就犯下如此令人髮指之罪行的動機?(註16) 因此協同影評人松田政男和編劇佐佐木守,拍攝《略稱‧連續射殺魔》(1969)(註17),為探究「永山受縛的靈魂」,採紀錄片的拍攝方式,循著永山從北海道至東京的歷程,試圖透過攝影機的鏡頭探尋永山所曾經歷的地景。(註18) 如同亨利‧弗雷德里克‧阿米耶爾所言:「無內在生活的人便是週遭環境的囚奴。」若其所言仍適用現況,《略稱‧連續射殺魔》所捕捉到那震懾人心的同質性都市風景展現了異化的空洞狀態,確實體現著日本後冷戰時期,因二戰後的馬歇爾計畫和亞洲隨之而來的冷戰而帶來的經濟奇蹟,以及遭相應的結構性剝削所啃食殆盡的精神形貌。(註19) 雖然關於永山和湯英伸事件的文化行動主義行動相距已近20餘年,發生在兩個不同的社會歷史脈絡,但兩個發生在不同時空的媒體事件卻有共通之影像概念,使人反思是否有可能提出闡述人文關懷的動態影像美學論述架構?

以足立的《略稱.連續射殺魔》做為《負地平線》一展的平行放映活動之一,試圖以陳映真和足立未完成的志業為為核心關懷,擴延「錄像藝術」的討論可能,正如展題所示,援引保羅.維希留在1984年出版的《負地平線》一書中所闡述的速度感知論(dromoscopy)(註20)  一詞,同時表達權力宰制之形式以及「與速度相應的視覺感知」(註21),反思該媒材從其原初為記錄手段轉化為美學語彙的意義。空間的生活經驗為資本主義對加速的需求所消解時,人類經驗與其直接面的週遭環境,便如在高速行駛的火車上望向窗外的經驗般,兩者之間界線變得模糊不清,對速度的慾望和停滯的恐懼將此當代性的空洞侵蝕,在橋本麦和野上勝己的〈眼〉以及程然的〈奇蹟尋蹤〉中展露無疑。

關於攝影機之於記憶作為人類實踐形式與製作動態影像的內在聯繫,知名的錄像藝術家比爾.維歐拉則藉著提問:「在動態影像中,這個移動『切確』的意義為何?(註22) 體現另一種詩意的詮釋;面對相似的命題,足立則倡議去理解「一個人如何在真實的生活環境或生活的地方定位自己(註23),以明確區別情境理論和風景論,他以文化大革命為例,批判情境理論的追求是相當意識形態,毫不考慮個人是否為當前群眾動員的一份子,付諸的行動缺乏反映自身的意識。換句話說,他對家鄉八幡製鐵所工人和端島煤礦工人遭遇之不幸與沉默的記憶,促使他在製作《略稱.連續射殺魔》時將風景論概念化,並找尋兩個看似在不同時代發生之案例間,自身記憶和永山事件的內在連結。

雖未經理論化的書寫,足立可以說是早在《略稱.連續射殺魔》中,透過置移的攝影機鏡頭,試圖想像從永山的視角來映射那些遭國家計劃性排除的邊緣生命,以哀悼來闡述維希留日後提出的論點。在維希留的負地平線惡烏托邦中,貨幣抽象化價值的涵義,往昔的故事遭受主流史觀的簡化,如同人權僅能以國家建構的方式敘述。或許,足立從永山的視野中抽絲剝繭地,以私密的個人記憶與對當時日本社會的不滿,縫彌在永山在人生追尋道路的頓挫上,將某種歷史緊張感從其噤聲中釋放出來。《略稱‧連續射殺魔》的疏離鏡頭,與多明妮可‧貢札雷斯‧佛斯特的〈中環〉和楊俊的〈關於遺忘與記憶的一則短篇〉,彷彿藉畫外音與其第一人稱陳述所體現的漫遊者(flâneur)形象相互共鳴,揭露了崛起中的亞洲加速都市化所導致的結構性失憶; 透過攝影機懷想永山可能經歷旅程的地誌影像手法,來量度二戰後日本的心靈地貌。相近的人本地誌影像取徑,也可以在參展藝術家家阮純詩的〈地景系列・之一〉、 Futoshi Miyagi的〈浪漫樂派〉、納達弗‧阿索爾的〈剝露:穆撒拉拉〉和芙倫希亞・蕾薇的〈致人之地景〉中則有不同的演繹與當代詮釋,他們使被壓抑的歷史佔據在虛擬空間(如蕾薇和阮純詩擷取網路圖像所進行的剪輯而達成的敘事重構),並使現實中的集體沉默得以發聲(如同阿索爾和Futoshi藉由身體化攝影機的實際位移體現的影像闡述)。




藉著參展藝術家們對於動態影像在具體化歷史時間所投注的深究,本展覽企圖激活公共與逃逸於公共之外的社會潛能機械影像與記憶閃回的感覺層次的交互作用批判藝術史家T. J. Demos所提出的「流亡現代性」(註24),在《負地平線》(1984)一書中,保羅.維希留對於人類能動性因加劇的速度視覺而漸趨薄弱提出的批判,在當代屏幕文化與即時通訊科技的進步助長下,更迫待回應。跨國媒體企業推波助瀾下,世界各地因為國族主義與資本主義導致的災難與現實意義的連結,如同iPad的平板一般扁平,人們每天無感地消費這些讓人無助的訊息當現代科技消解實體距離感,媒體景觀的地平線也就轉化成「負面深淵—無底的平面、發光的惡夢、或許更是科技的惡托邦(註25),在這個語境中,關懷是一個廉價的詞彙。

張乾琦的〈在路上〉與弗洛里安.安德烈亞斯.杰德克的〈然而,據我所知,那兒必然有什麼是值得的〉,觀者毫無防備地隨著藝術家釋放自身極為私密的龐雜情感,踏上一趟回溯家族歷史的旅程。那些刻意的視覺停滯與逐格圖像的情緒顫動,召喚每個人生命中翻閱家族相簿的經驗,暗示機械生產影像的情感動能連結私密記憶來創造集體的社會機驗。實驗電影先驅麥可.史諾曾提到「照片、錄像帶與磁帶,是外在記憶物件,一種社會化記憶的實存」。(註26) 這種記錄個人記憶的創造性動力與社會親密感之間的辯證,也同樣是涅斯托爾.席爾的〈認同〉、王佩瑄的〈追月〉與伊旺.安米特與蒂塔.薩利娜〈飄零而形不離影〉的創作主題,特別是安米特與薩利娜的錄像映射裝置,即便創作對象遭遇的人口資本化加劇與移工人權危急的現實,無奈地無法為作品中的印尼漁民解除牢獄之災,這對藝術家雙人組將展廳白盒子的展示空間轉化做一系列的公眾交流,不只修彌在地觀眾社群與移工團體在這個法庭案件上明顯的分眾,更將見證者的意義轉化成情感豐沛的美學語言。

如同「祛殖民美學宣言」所強調:「『因你們到來,我們今日在這』是現代性話術的翻轉。」(註27) 這個在反種族歧視與對抗現代奴工運動廣受歡迎的口告,提醒著我們殖民帝國主義跨時的影想,而其深植於歷史難題而無法消解的現代問題也在展覽中的數件作品討論。在王虹凱這件〈南輿之耳〉的多屏幕影像裝置,她探討關於移動這個議題所體現的現代性問題,藉著一系列「作歌」的工作坊,試圖藉著現下的收剝削與勞動經驗,揭示至16世紀(殖民蔗糖產業)以來的人口販運,倘若〈北投異托邦〉可以視作高山明劇場性地介入,探詢觀眾的情感投注來闡述北投當地至今仍噤聲的戰爭流離失所,露西.戴維斯〈木:刻電影—再聚(木:刻)第六輪迴 靈魂〉則批判動態影像以人為中心的機械化思維,尋求觀眾回想自己曾經在社區祭儀中遇到戲台的經驗。確實,邀請高山的重新理解「田樂」(融匯歌舞的日本祭儀)進行劇場創作,與戴維斯受懸絲線偶(一種在東南亞廣受喜愛的傳統偶戲)啟發的影戲裝置,是期待透過在這個區域體現記憶實踐的祭儀傳統的在地原生技藝,反思動態影像的史觀,並重拾因國家疆界與其他建置所剝奪的人與人的親密感。


註1. Viola, Bill. "Video Black–The mortality of the image."Illuminating Video. An essential guide to video art, New York, Aperture Found (1990): 477-486.
註2. Fuentes, Marlon. "Extracts from an Imaginary Interview: Questions and Answers about Bontoc Eulogy." F is For Phony: Fake Documentary and Truth's Undoing. Vol. 17. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2006. 116-29. P.120. Print.
註3. The section heading “a video art with/out videotape” and the following discussion in the section is inspired by film scholar Sing Song-Yong’s text, “A brief History of Taiwanese Video Art Before the Digital Age: Experimentations from Installation, Performance, Sculpture to Cinema Stage.” In particular, he’s argument regarding the periodization of Taiwanese video art develops around the concept of “video art without video” in which he emphasizes the gradual transition from lu-ying yi-shu (錄影藝術) to lu-xiang yi-shu (錄像藝術) in the 1990s was not merely a media-driven shift of paradigm but a dialectical development on aesthetics of the moving image. Sing further developed the related discussion into an exhibition titled REWIND_ Video Art in Taiwan 1983-1999 in 2015, which he use lu-xiang yi-shu as the correspondence of the video in Chinese. See also, Sing, Song-Yong. "A brief History of Taiwanese Video Art Before the Digital Age: Experimentations from Installation, Performance, Sculpture to Cinema Stage." Art Critique of Taiwan 59 (2014): 8-17. Print. And "REWIND_ Video Art in Taiwan 1983-1999 -" Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.
註4. Bai, Li. "Recent Art Events in Milan and Paris." Lion Art Monthly Apr. 1975: 114-115. Print. The term, "videotape," is emplied by the author to describe the exhibition titled Artevide which takes place at the Rotonda della Besana, Milan. The participating artists of the exhibition include Nam June Paik and Taka Iimura from Japan, among others.
註5. "Retrospective of Nam June Paik’s Video Art." Lion Art Monthly July 1982: 33-34. Print. The article discusses the 1982 Whitney retrospective of Nam June Paik in full length.
註6. See also Chiang Ling-Ching. "A History of Magazines on Video Art: The Never-ending Investigation of an Unsettled Boundary." Art Critique of Taiwan 59 (2014): 18-26. Print.
註7. Ibid.
註8. Wang, Jun-Jieh. "Intents and Debates of Image’s Heterogeneous Rupture: Reflections on Berlin Video Festival." Lion Art Monthly Apr. 1992: 114-115.
註9. See also Chiang Ling-Ching. "A History of Magazines on Video Art: The Never-ending Investigation of an Unsettled Boundary." Art Critique of Taiwan 59 (2014): 18-26. Print.
註10. Blom proposed the subject of “memory technology” in the introduction chapter of Memory in Motion, with an emphasis on social institutions and the issue of collective memory, and also conceptualized the subject particularly in terms of artistic productions in the book titled "The Autobiography of Video: The Life and Times of a Memory Technology". See also, Ina, Blom, Lundemo Trond, and Rossaak Eivind, eds. Memory in motion: archives, technology, and the social. Amsterdam University Press, 2016.P. 154. Blom, Ina. The Autobiography of Video: The Life and Times of a Memory Technology. Sternberg Press, 2016.
註11. Regarding the essence of slide-briefing film, Kao has stated at the beginning of his essay titled “Notes on Film”: “Photography is rendered by the sense of retention; film and cassette tape are the substance of flow; henceforward, the slide-briefing film is a technical instrument weaved by spatiality and temporality of both acquired by the sense of retention and the substance of flow, which, by default, is able to juxtapose the integration and segmentation of three different kind of mechanical streams -- the podcast of sound, the projection of slide film, and the alternation between images. By narrating through the technique of slide-briefing film, it not only facilitates audiences’ stream of consciousness engaging with the dialogue between the reality and the symbolic system in both documentary and fictional sense, but also enable them to contemplate reflexively between the signified and signifier.” See also, Kao, Chung-Li. "Notes on Fims ." Art Critique of Taiwan 61 (2015): 77-82. Print.
註12. Métraux, Daniel A. "The Nagayama criteria for assessing the death penalty in Japan: reflections of a case suspect." Southeast Review of Asian Studies 31 (2009): 282-289.
註13. The area was referred to as Wung Feng Township at that time, named after the controversial folklore figure Wung Feng, who was claimed to have sacrificed himself in order to end the headhunting tradition of the local indigenous community. The story was prominently used in a textbook issued by the Japanese colonial government as part of the racial discrimination practiced by the colonisers to create a divisive hierarchy between Han Chinese and indigenous peoples. The later Kuomintang’s ethnic policy towards the indigenous community would continue this Chinese chauvinism.
註14. See also, Ren Jian. (monthly magazine published in Taiwan) Special issue titled “Tang Ying-Shen back Home.” June 1986: vol.20. Print. "Appeal of catholic tribal youth sentenced to death for murders yet undecided." N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.
註15. 《人間雜誌》(Ren Jian Magazine). 文化部國家文化資料庫 (National Repository of Cultural Heritage funded by the Ministry of Culture, Taiwan), 5 May 2010. Web. 09 Mar. 2017.
註16. Adachi, Masao. Personal interview. 29 January 2017.
註17. The discursive formation and the related debates on landscape (fukeiron) theory were also discussed by 《映画批评》 Eiga Hihyo (Film Criticism), a monthly journal co-edited by Adachi Masao, Masao Matsuda, and Mamoru Sasaki. Apart from being the catalyst for a film movement, A.K.A. Serial Killer is widely acknowledged as “an activist theory of [landscape (fukeiron)], a new key concept that replaced the then popular notion of a situation (jokyo).” Harootunian, Harry, and Sabu Kohso. "Messages in a Bottle: An Interview with Filmmaker Masao Adachi." Boundary 2 35.3 (2008): 63-97.
註18. Ibid, P. 73.
註19. Odd Arne Westad points to the geopolitical frame of Cold War Asia in relation to the rationale of the Marshall Plan by quoting Paul Hoffman (a key Marshall Plan administrator): “We have learned in Europe what to do in Asia, for under the Marshall Plan we have developed the essential instruments of a successful policy in the arena of world politics.” Westad also follows up by highlighting American foreign interventions. He writes, “Those instruments were the political and cultural seduction of local elites, access to local markets, and military aid and training. Together, these measures were aimed at creating states that could be successful in their own development and be part of American containment policies against the Soviet Union and its allies.” Westad, Odd Arne. The global Cold War: Third world interventions and the making of our times. Cambridge University Press, 2005. P. 25.
註20. There was an exhibition titled ”Pause in Time and Space“ curated by new media art theorist Chiu Chih-Yung (邱誌勇) in 2013, which read Virilio’s theorization of “the sense of speed created by modern video technology [as] a symbol of power.” The curator adopted Virilio’s dromocratie as a point of entry to introduce video art from Taiwan. In the curatorial statement, Chiu explains, “this exhibition explores ‘pause’ as a temporary suspension of a narrative process. After each transition, every narrative, scene and position becomes somewhat different. What awaits us at the crossroads ahead? Adopting various ‘fragmentary narrative’ strategies, all artworks distort the entirety of the visual rhetoric and narrative context, forming peculiar pauses or durées in different directions.” See also, "時空頓點 Pause in Time and Space.". Digital Art Center, Web. 09 Mar. 2017.
註21. Virilio, Paul, and Niels Brügger. "Perception, Politics and The Intellectual: Interview with Niels Brügger." Virilio Live: Selected Interviews. London: SAGE Book, 2001. 88. Print.
註22. Viola, Bill. "Video Black–The mortality of the image." Illuminating Video. An essential guide to video art, New York, Aperture Found (1990): 477-486.
註23. A video work of an interview with Masao Adachi recorded by HOTEL ASIA PROJECT in 2015.
註24. In The Migrant Image, Demos’s analysis of “modernity as exile” in relation to the artistic practices of moving image has made its conceptual reference from Said, in which he quotes Said, “’Our age,’ Said declared, ‘with its modern warfare, imperialism and the quasi-theological ambitions of totalitarian rules –is indeed the age of the refugee, the displaced person, mass immigration.’” See also, Demos, T. J. The migrant image: The art and politics of documentary during global crisis. Duke University Press, 2013.
註25. Featherstone, Mark. "The Negative Abyss Surface, Depth, and Violence in Virilio and Stiegler." Cultural Politics 11.2 (2015): 210-221.
註26. Théberge, Pierre, and Michael Snow. "Pierre Théberge: Conversation with Michael Snow." Ed. Louise Dompierre. The Michael Snow Project. The Collected Writings of Michael Snow. Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier U Press, 1994. 198. Print.
註27. Modernity-Coloniality Working Group of the Transnational Decolonial Institute. "Decolonial Aesthetics Manifesto." FUSE Fall 2013: 10-13. Print.