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ISSUE 24 : How Lacking Sounds Become Events?
New out of the Old: Production Epilogue of the fish.the’s first album Gōng
January 20th, 2016Type: Sound Scene
Quote From: (作者為旃陀羅唱片創辦人/fish.the專輯《宮》製作人)
Note: This article, related to the 100th Lacking Sound Festival, aims to accentuate the reflection on whether "fish.the" the work might be noise/sound art, from both perspectives of album production and genre of music. The article incorporates three parts. In the first part, the author states the phrases of changes of fish.the, the sound composer, from a listen's view; the second part considers the technological conditions in the making of the album "Gōng", which is the result of the collaboration between the 100th Lacking Sound Festival and Kandala Records; lastly in the third part, the readers are guided through the features of this album from the view of a critic.