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If On a Cloudy Day A “Pontianak”
January 22nd, 2017Type: Image
Author: Rikey Tenn Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 原載於《關鍵評論網》藝文版 (2017, 1, 18)
Note: Yee I-Lan resorts to her identity as a Kadazan-dusun, and creates, with the skills of archiving and photo collage, a dreadful and mighty feminine image to fill the gap of native identity in Malaysian society. Through the folklore of "Pontianak" in Malay world as well as in Taiwan, and quotes from Singaporean writer Alfian Sa'at's shorts, this article examines how the image of "Pontianak" in her works triggers multiple references.
Yee I-Lan, Like the Banana Tree at the Gate
Yee I-Lan, Like the Banana Tree at the Gate; photo courtesy of artist
Yee I-Lan, Like the Banana Tree at the Gate (想像波蒂阿那:陰天裡我擁有陽光); photo courtesy of artist
Yee I-Lan, Like the Banana Tree at the Gate (擺桌); photo courtesy of artist
Yee I-Lan, Like the Banana Tree at the Gate; photo courtesy of artist