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ISSUE 33 : Nothing Digital (But…)
For Che Ali: The Rhyme Retrograde
May 29th, 2017Type: Art Production
Author: Rikey Tenn Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 海馬迴光畫廊《Gurindam Jiwa:區秀詒個展》專文
Note: In “Keris Project II: If the Party Goes On,” Au Sow-Yee tells three variations of the story of “Jim, Frank, and Che Ali” through her interpretation of the script left by “Ravi.” The three names correspond to the protagonists of the three historical variations: “Che Ali,” appeared as a Malay “servant” in Malay Sketches, Frank Swetteham, Governor of the Straits Settlements, the author of Malay Sketches, and Jim Thompson, the Thai silk tycoon who disappeared from the Cameron Highlands without a trace. This article is based on the assumption of Che Ali being a fictional subject in the writing, and reconstructs the space-time loop in the visual text from an apprehensive aspect for the readers.
Au Sow Yee, Kris Project II: If the Party Goes On; photo courtesy of artist
Au Sow Yee, If the Party Goes On. Prelude: To the Party; photo courtesy of artist
Au Sow Yee, Kris Project II: If the Party Goes On; photo courtesy of artist
Au Sow Yee, If the Party Goes On. I (installation view); photo courtesy of artist
Au Sow Yee, If the Party Goes On. I (installation view); photo courtesy of artist
Au Sow Yee, Kris Project I (installation view); photo courtesy of artist
Au Sow Yee, Kris Project I; photo courtesy of artist
Au Sow Yee, Kris Project I (detail); photo courtesy of artist