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The Modernity in the Cave: Interview with Sakarin Kure-on
洞穴裡的現代性—專訪泰國當代藝術家Sakarin Krue-on
November 30th, 2013/
Freya Chou
/ Editor:Rikey Tenn
Note: Sakarin Krue-on is one of the Thai artists who has the most exposure in international art events in the past few years. Major exhibitions include 50th, 53rd Venice Biennale, the 2007's Documenta and 2012's Busan Biennale. He recently curated an art festival, Metro-Sapiens: Dialogue in the Cave, which he invited over 20 artists to turn a prehistoric venue into a contemporary art space in Ratchaburi. Sakarin currently serves as Art Instructor of Thai Art Department at Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University.
Sakarin Krue-On, "No Fly Zone" (2003); image courtesy of artist
Sakarin Krue-on, "The postcard for the Thai Pavilion, the 53th Venice Biennial" (2003); image courtesy of artist
Sakarin Krue-on, "Cloud Nine" (2005); courtesy of artist
Sakarin Krue-on, "Terraced Rice Project" (2007); courtesy of artist
Metro Sapiens: Dialogue in the Cave (2012)
Sakrin Krue-on, "失譯的紀錄" at "ThaiTai Fever" (2012-2013); image courtesy of artist