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“Practicing Live”: Yu, Cheng-Ta’s Voice Performance and It’s limitations
《Practicing Live》:余政達的語音表演與限制
March 10th, 2015Type: Image
Author: Rikey Tenn Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《LEAP藝術界》雜誌2014年12月
Note: In this article, the author attempts to exemplify Yu, Cheng-Ta's "Practicing Live" exhibited in TFAM, 2014, through the relationship between the players, the roles, and their real identities outside the show. With the hint of "the absent one", we can see how different communications happened both in- and outside the frame as in more than two orders...
Yu, Cheng-Ta, Practicing Live (2014, TAFM); photo courtesy of artist
策展人呂岱如演藝廊老闆二姊, 藝術家邵樂人演弟弟, 藝評黃建宏演其男友Nicolas; Practicing Live
館長姊姊的兒子是隱身幕後的藝術家David X, 化名為Sykban並交由二姐和叔叔套現, Practicing Live
Yu, Cheng-ta, 信. 藉由區隔溝通迴圈而從單向的扮演理解到雙向的溝通