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ISSUE 54 : Ecological Dialogues in The Sandbox
Interview with Yih-Ren Lin on the Knowledge of Walking
December 19th, 2022Type: Interview
Author: 許修豪 (訪談、整理) Editor: Wu, Chi-yu
Quote From: 「南方宇宙生存指南」計畫
TAYAL泰雅爾Skaru流域部落群與國家山林治理機關Sbalay和解儀式上泰雅族人祭告祖靈的祭品; source: Wikimedia Commons
2021/3/12布農族獵人Talum Suquluman釋憲案大法官言詞辯論庭場外; source: 原住民族青年陣線
抗議布條: 諮詢委員會不能代表我們 (柯金源); source: 中央研究院數位文化中心
Tim Ingold, Ways of Walking: Ethnography and Pratice on Foot (cover)
Vudai, Wutai Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan; source: Wikimedia