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[MNML14] Art-in-Production 1: KU Kuang-yi + WETBOY
(見面會14) [生產(中)的藝術1] 顧廣毅+潤滑液男孩
February 14th, 2016類型: Event

2016年「生產(中)的藝術系列」(Art in Production)於數位荒原的見面會,是一系列藝術家與其他領域創作者/策劃者的開放對話平台。這系列活動設計是啟發自「作者做為生產者」(Author As Producer)的核心精神,試圖從創作/生產的內部、外部交錯的角度去開展藝術/非藝術之間語言串連、延展以及關係的複製,並在物質關係的基礎上深入「藝術生產」的可變異性(更深層的政治經濟分析則指向生產關係的再生產與循環。)在2016年第一場的數位荒原見面會,我們特別邀請到2015年數位藝術獎得主顧廣毅,以及在網路上開發「情慾產品」的使用者經驗而成為同志次文化代表人物之一的部落客潤滑液男孩,分別介紹他們自己所從事的計畫並且進行交流。透過藝術家顧廣毅以嚴謹的科學論證語言為基礎的創作計畫,與他和同志作家合作的經驗為對話起點,酷兒文學、科學術語、性愛、高潮、口腔、結締組織、體液,甚至種種自我改造肉體的慾望與想像,醫學與軟調色情似乎有了立體而密不可分的對位。

顧廣毅,1985年⽣於台北,台灣。現為TW BioArt台灣⽣物藝術社群成員,碩⼠畢業於國⽴陽明⼤學臨床⽛醫學研究所、實踐⼤學媒體傳達設計研究所,⼤學畢業於⾼雄醫學⼤學⽛醫學系;具有⽛醫師與視覺創作者雙重⾝分。除了視覺藝術的創作之外,同時也在進⾏⽣物藝術的創作與推廣,試圖拓展藝術與科學結合的可能性。他的作品主要專注於臨床醫學、⼈類⾝體以及性別研究等等領域,嘗試藉由創作去探索科學領域中的哲學問題,並藉此思考科技、⼈類個體和⼈類社會之間的關係。
Kuang-Yi Ku; born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan. Co-founder of TW BioArt (Taiwanese BioArt Community), and co-founder of Ouroboros – Organic Organism of O (Artist Collective). Graduated in MA Communications Design, Shih Chien University, Master of Dentistry in Department of Dentistry, National Yang-Ming University, and Doctor of Dental Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University. He is working as a professional dentist and artist at the same time. Has got his work exhibited in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. His work often deals with human body, sexuality and medicine, aiming to investigate the relationships among technology, individual and society.

潤滑液男孩,畢業於台大社會學系,目前就讀於UST-Inter-Asia Culture Studies。長期參與台灣性/別運動,包括青少年性與性別、身心障礙者性權倡議。並書寫情慾部落格,試圖透過多元異質的身體經驗與文本挑戰現今以異性戀男性為主軸的情慾文化。
Bowu Chen [Wetboy] graduated from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University, and is now a graduate student at the University System of Taiwan. He has long participated in Taiwan sex/gender right movements, including the advocacy of the sexual rights of teenagers as well as the disabled people. He also writes a blog on sexuality, which tries to challenge the sexual culture that is based mainly on heterosexual male experience with diversified body experiences and texts. He hopes to analyze Taiwan society through the perspective of sexuality in the future.

主講 顧廣毅(Ku, Kuang-yi)/ 陳柏屼(Chen, Bo-wu)
活動時間 2016年 02月 20日 14:00-16:00