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Total 3 posts
Zikri Rahman

Project Director for LiteraCity, an ongoing literary and cultural mapping project of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Buku Jalanan of which he cofounded since his undergraduate years of 2011 is a diverse popular practical initiatives in utilizing public spaces to advocate cultural literacy based in Shah Alam.

「文學之城」(LiteraCity Festival)這個持續的吉隆坡文學/文化繪製計畫的專案負責人。他在研究所期間參與成立的「街頭書社」則是多元的大眾實踐倡議,利用公眾空間倡議以莎阿南為根據地的文化識讀。

In the past, there were only two notions for those who sported a beard here: either you were in a religious preacher group or a notorious person. You ...
From the depths of imagination and actual places traced by writers and theirs characters in literature, the city of Kuala Lumpur becomes alive, and wi...
…form and symbol of an integrated social relationship: it is the seat of a temple, the market, the hall of justice, the academy of learning. Her...