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Chang, En-Man

Born in Taitung. Lives and works in Taipei. As the artist's identity inspires her to embark on a journey across the island, she also expands to the whole picture of the community or the world, and explores how art can transform.


張恩滿(Chang En-Man):我的經驗與你們類似,我媽常煮蝸牛(Achatina fulica)給我們吃,因此帶有一種情感記憶的味道。一開始這種蝸牛被日本人當成食物帶進來養殖,當臺灣早期是農業社會時,西邊的人原本有吃。到現在,只有臺灣東邊的原住民還繼續吃,但是西邊的人已經不吃了,跟新加坡一樣不...