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Filter By translation , Total 47 posts
The Voiceover List (for this excerpt) 1. Main narrator, Sulastri: Nuning 2. Quotes: Dina, Ferdi 3. Instruction: Damayanti 4. Suwarsih’s ending: Gita POINT ONE STAND IN FRONT OF SULASTRI’S ...
Syafiatudina選譯—Numpang,棲居之閥值 Syafiatudina 鄭文琦 (翻譯)
August 24th, 2017
What is numpang? A friend of mine has been living in a communal house for his whole life. Once he lived in and took care of the headquarters of an artist-run space in the south of Yogyakarta. He didn’...
Cornelia Sollfrank選譯—再探網路女性主義 Cornelia Sollfrank林書全 (翻譯)戚育瑄 (校對)
July 6th, 2017
Sebastien Tayac選譯—微觀政治學 Sebastien Tayac鄭文琦 (翻譯)
March 21st, 2017
In her documentary Oh, Saigon (2007), Đoan Hoàng revisits the last days of the Vietnamese civil war not as a Cold War battleground or an anti-imperial war of national liberation, but as “the moment my...
論污鄙地誌學與現代繪測之問題 陳柏維 (翻譯)許芳慈 (潤稿)
December 29th, 2016
Here is the problem: looking at a map of a place is nothing like actually being there. The same is true when looking at a photograph or reading a story – but in the case of a map, it comes with ...
December 5th, 2016
「社會寫實主義」:寓時於菲律賓的述詞迭代 Patrick D. Flores許芳慈 (翻譯)
November 11th, 2016
機遇詩歌 NGUYEN Trinh-Thi許芳慈 (翻譯)
November 4th, 2016