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Filter By opinion , Total 120 posts
September 3rd, 2014
後數位景觀社會 Alf Chang Wang, Sheng-shih (trans.)
June 10th, 2014
“Post-digital” is a concept frequently mentioned in recent discussions about the current conditions of digital technology and artistic practice. This concept is not newly formulated but has emerged at...
巫覡能不能說眾罔兩的語言? Hsu, Fang-tze 戚育瑄 (翻譯)
January 8th, 2014
A gasp of breath, one after another, produces the sound of rain, Which could only be heard after all the dancers exert themselves; Gathering, the raindrops become our river along which we find the roa...
潛行者的黃昏 張皓馨
July 17th, 2013