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Total 140 posts
Judha Su選譯:敬啟者(或可能有關者) Judha Su鄭文琦 (翻譯)
Art Production
December 20th, 2018
Imagine the awkward moment of writing to someone unknown: we do not know whom we are talking to. We undertake the overture with speculation and nervous anticipation, hoping that the communication will...
V. Photography in the Field Today I’d like to photograph the customs of the savage community, and gather both male and female savages around. I heard this old man is in his 90s; the purpose was to ask...
I saw her and a sad dried stalk of grass in the previous lives I saw her sitting crying when rain poured down in the afternoon wood The wood turned yellow, she was not yet home The wood blew the winte...
《歷史變體》後台直訪:劉致宏 馮馨 (整理)王韓芳 (訪問)Jasper Chen (翻譯)
Sound Scene
October 19th, 2018
In the Sound Geography project, Liu Chihhung is like a transcriber (註1), and the works offers the viewer an experience of the extremely personal sentimental and the extremely authentic (record). Sound...
南洋放送局:為228和平紀念公園所做的聲音導覽 Syafiatudina 群島資料庫Nusantara Archive
Art Production
September 30th, 2018
Dear listeners, you are now listening to an audio guide for the Taipei New Park, also known as 228 Peace Memorial Park, written by Indonesian artist Syafiatudina in Dec 2017, supported by KUNCI Radio ...
Jon Ippolito選譯—將未來託付給業餘從事者 Jon Ippolito林心如 (翻譯)
September 26th, 2018
The Megatherium Lives This is the oldest human record I have found: the story of the mapinguary, passed down from generation to generation among the Indians of the Brazilian rainforest. Twenty feet ta...
分享:一個正在興起的概念 Cornelia SollfrankWolfgang Sützl王冠婷 (翻譯)
September 15th, 2018
Cornelia: Your recent research has revolved around the notion of “sharing,” and I would like to get a better understanding where this interest comes from and how it is embedded in the larger context o...
  Throughout the Japanese occupation (1942-1945), the Japanese authorities sought to mobilise Indonesian artists for propaganda in support of the ‘Greater East Asian War’. In an unprecedented eve...
Gabriele de Seta選譯—反對聲音自然主義 Gabriele de Seta 戚育瑄 (翻譯)林書全 (審稿)
Sound Scene
September 4th, 2018
At the end of last year, I had the privilege to be part of the best academic conference ever – full spoilers, it’s called Tuning Speculation, it’s broadly about sound, and its next iteration is happen...