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The Memory, Resurrection and Rebirth of Films: Interview with Wu, Chun-hui, part 2
June 2nd, 2016Type: Image, Interview
Author: 陳平浩, 曾芷筠 Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 財團法人國家電影中心《放映週報》no.178
Note: The article, originally included in "Stranger than Cinema: A Study of Taiwanese Experimental Film" compiled by Wu, Chun-hui, presents a interview conducted by Chen, Ping-hao and Tseng, Chih-yun from Funscreen with Wu during his show "Resurrection". In the first part, the author introduces Wu as a driving force for Taiwanese experimental films and his background, concerns in his work; the interview reveals Wu’s exploration on temporality of the images and the transformation of “the materials”, as well as the dialogue between films and other media.
多重假面(吳俊輝與李俊宏共同創作, 2012); photo courtesy of artist
區秀詒, 時光曲, 2009; photo courtesy of artist
吳俊輝, 迷霧傳說; photo courtesy of artist
李幸俊, Film walk (2012); photo courtesy of artist
Wu, Chun-hui, 甦醒系列,燈箱; photo courtesy of artist