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ISSUE 38 : No Guides to the Future
Where is Your Original Work? The Preservation and the Re-exhibition of Taiwanese Time-based Media Art
September 18th, 2018Type: Opinion
Author: Joyce Chen Editor: Joyce Chen
Note: How can we preserve or re-exhibit the time-based media art? The article is written by the museum practitioner, Chen Yu-Hsien, from the stance of cultural heritage preservation to accessing the collection of media art. She examines REWIND_ Video Art in Taiwan 1983-1999 curated by Sung Song-Yong in 2015, and draws out the situations on the preservation of Taiwanese time-based media art today. Through the challenge to re-exhibit the video artworks in REWIND and the reality of showing some reproductions instead of the originals, it tries to ask: Where is the original (authentic)? How to re-exhibit the original? By raising the questions she connects the curation / research project of the concept museum of art, vol. 1 in 2018, presented by DAF.
Interview for "Concept Museum of Art, Vol.1, 穿越光牆 Archive or Alive?", 2018
"Concept Museum of Art, Vol.1, 穿越光牆 Archive or Alive?", 2018
See Also
A Talk by TAO Ya-Lun on "The Light of Historical Ending" ,ARThon
Video as Medium or Media: The Early Contexts of Video Art in Taiwan ,Wang Po-Wei