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ISSUE 21 : Recalling Islands
Two Islands: Pulau Hantu, the Dying Islands
雙嶼記:Pulau Hantu、島群崩毀
July 14th, 2015Type: Opinion
Author: Takamori Nobuo Editor: Rikey Tenn
Note: The article by Nobuo Takamori will be published with ISSUE 2015, JUL: Recalling Islands, in which he compares the different state ideologies of two modern countries, Singapore and Taiwan, both are known as the Island countries in Southeast Asia. In the end of his article, 梁鉞‘s poem seemingly offers some comfort for the divergent destinies of the twin islands.
林學大之子Lim Yew Kuan於1952年畫下Night Arrest, 描述親兄弟在日軍佔領的肅清被特務帶走的畫面; 星國建國後類似的歷史繪畫及左翼題材皆消失在藝術史中 (
Jimmy Ong, LKY as Mother & Daugther (Jimmy Ong以李光耀作為母女來轉化作為國父的形象對比於星國社會對Amos Yee的攻擊格外諷刺)
005威尼斯雙年展新加坡館藝術家林載春想把魚尾獅運至威尼斯, 由於不可能達成現場改為展出魚尾獅的模型及輸出圖片