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ISSUE 21 : Recalling Islands
Two Islands: Pulau Cerah, the Birth of Islands
雙嶼記:Pulau Cerah、島群初生
July 14th, 2015Type: Opinion
Author: Takamori Nobuo Editor: Rikey Tenn
Note: The article by Nobuo Takamori will be published with ISSUE 2015, JUL: Recalling Islands, in which he compares the different state ideologies of two modern countries, Singapore and Taiwan, both are known as the Island countries in Southeast Asia.
Lim Hak Tai; 暴動 (Riot, 1955)
萬隆會議 (Bandung Conference), 1955
楊英風, 向前邁進 (Progress & Advancement, 1988), h850 cm