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ISSUE 32 : Art and Commitment
Report on the Environmental Art in Taiwan
April 21st, 2017Type: Opinion
Author: 吳虹霏 Editor: Rikey Tenn
Note: Beyond the environmental threats facing Taiwan, the concept of environment originating from the West and the corresponding wave of the art trend is, nevertheless, indeed the key factor ushering the development of Taiwan’s “environmental art.” The authentic caring spirit for the environment often results from the transcendence from the pursuit of the personal achievement or the collaboration projects summoned by the joint ideals. Mali Wu‘s work and practice after the Millennium, as an example, often incorporate environmental issues. It shall rather be considered social innovation than art to instill the softer but tougher souls to this land; the ultimate goal for these people is more about social sustainability than environmental preservation.
王文志, 防洪計劃 (1997); 沙包, 水, 衣物, 電視, 廢木料; photo courtesy of artist & NTMOFA (國美館)
林銓居, 明日博物館III: 晴耕雨讀; photo courtesy of artist & 忠泰基金會
吳瑪悧, 台北明天還是一個湖 (2008); photo courtesy of artist
鄭波與蟾蜍山居民、立方計劃空間合作的「野草黨II+蟾蜍山共地計劃」(2016); photo courtesy of artist(s) & TheCube project