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(Re)Constructing Body of Memory
September 20th, 2016Type: Translation
Author: Alia Swastika Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《關渡美術館 2010關渡雙年展:記憶的總合》(2010 Kuandu Biennale: Memories and Beyond)
Note: "In a world in which origins overlaps and realities intersects, how can we call something as original? Although lately there has been a stronger awareness about origins as having been constructed by various cultural spaces, at the same time there is the tendency to look back on the historical process, tracing how the cultural merging and encounters took place." The Indonesian curator Alia Swastika represented Javanese identity and local-global discourse with Jompet's "Java's Machine" series. He also exemplified the receptivity and criticality as the slogan "the medium is political" in his choice in "medium".
Alia Swastika at Jorga Bienniale (2011)
Jompet Kuswidananto, "Java‘s machine: phantasmagoria (2008)“; photo courtesy of artist (
Jompet Kuswidananto, "War of Java: do you remember?#2" (2008); photo courtesy of artist (
Heri Dono, "Flying Angels"; image courtesy of artist