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Nusantara Archive 09: A Box Photographer, 2019 (CH/EN)
November 30th, 2019TYPE: Publication


NML Residency & Nusantara Archive Project is glad to invite Malaysian photographer Jeffrey Lim to revisit Taiwan with his Kanta Box camera. He had visited and photographed several indigenous tribes based on his collaboration with Amis filmmaker Posak Jodian, before he exhibited “Kanta Portraits: Taiwan” during Petamu Project (2018) in OCAC. Such fieldworks also piqued our curiosity about the “colonial archive”, the categorization system set by Japanese anthropologists and their way of seeing. During the residency, he encountered the first comparative reading of “type photographs” and his own methodology. The difference also leads to how the representation of (self) images are meant to the subjects, and the prospective way of mapping “Nusantara (Archive)” in the future.

Download Nusantara Archive 09: A Box Photographer, 2019 (CH/EN)

(Updated 2022/11/4: Due to the latest plan for the Nusantara Archive publications as the decentralized infrastructure based on blockchain, we no longer provide printed and PDF file of 《群島資料庫09:人像攝影師》or Nusantara Archive 09: A Box Photographer. Please read the online version here.)