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Enkaryon Ang

Enkaryon Ang, a poet and critic, has published two poetry collections, Rorschach Inkblot (2009), and Hedgehog (2014). His poems were also collected in the anthologies, Post-80 poets of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (2013) and Evidences of Living (2014). He is one of the editors of the magazine for literature critics, Secret Reader.

印卡,詩人與評論,曾出版詩集《Rorschach Inkblot》和《刺蝟》。作品曾被收入《港澳台:八十後詩人選集》與《生活的證據﹕國民新詩讀本》。《秘密讀者》編輯委員,評論與詩文散見各線上或平面刊物。

最細微的、毫不相干的碎片: 歷史的反面、廢墟的創造者, 在你的廢墟之外,你已創造。 精神的劇場: 物體正對著同一律 嚴厲地拷問。 ─Octavio Paz,〈物體與幽靈〉   如果說美術館空間被歷史時間所宰制,這同時意味著歷史也篩選掉了許多事件被移置忽視。分類與篩選所塑造出「發現」的空...
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