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Yizai Seah

Based in Taiwan, a Malaysian freelance writer, stage worker, & film maker. Graduated from Department of Drama & Visuals, New Era University College, Malaysia. Currently studying in Department of Art History, Tainan University of the Arts.


萬分榮幸能啟動這條眾人期待已久的鐵道路線,此等雄心壯志如今終於開花結果…我重申個人願景,在往後這三年必竭力排除萬難,讓大家見證國家前所未見的繁榮。 —拉瑪五世,朱拉隆功大帝(1893年4月11日)   畫面伊始,我們已經在火車上。眼前那一條鐵軌,長長的一直延伸至村落遠方。接著,我們跟著車...