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ISSUE 18 : Ir/relevant to War or Time
“Images of Wars” or “Wars of Images”
December 18th, 2014Type: Image
Author: Lee, Li-chun Editor: Rikey Tenn
Quote From: 《藝外》no.63
Note: In the first part of this article originally published in ARTITUDE, Dec., 2014, instead of employing the word "war" in the phrase "image of war" as a metaphor, the author tries to emphasize the potential of "image (of war)", and exemplifies it within the political context of conflicts which is "all about violence and killing", the following questions will be: why and how the "image" becomes "war"? And what are the purpose and strategy of this war?
Roger Fenton, His day's work over; 攝影18.8×16.4cm (1885)
Harun Farocki, Ernste Spiele II: Drei tot (2010)
Nin Brudermanns, Warten auf Krieg; 錄像裝置 (1998)
Langlands & Bell, House of Osama Bin Laden; 互動電腦動畫 (2003)
Jon Thomson & Alison Craighead, A Short Film about War; 雙頻道錄像裝置, 9‘37“ (2009)