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ISSUE 11 : Screening the Future
Daily Sci-Fi: Sci-Fi Elements in Video and Visual Art III
September 4th, 2013Type: Image
Author: Chiang, Ling-ching Editor: Rikey Tenn
Note: This series proposes to explore the intersection of art and film from the perspective of genre studies, especially how contemporary art can productively contribute to the hybridity of the science fiction genre, and how the genre inspires artists to shape unique approaches to create moving images, and provides them with valid starting points of examining the essence of the image. This approach sets out to examine the intersection of art and film beyond the concept of ‘cinema of exhibition’ and the rigid context of art museum that has been applied to this discursive area, in order to observe closer links between contemporary art practice and cinema.
格里芬斯〈巴別塔微縮片〉描述兩位未來的考古學家透過紀錄日常片段的微縮片來考察過往人類的生活樣態Dave Griffiths, Babel Fiche, 2013, film still © Dave Griffiths
Nicolas Roeg導演的The Man Who Fell to Earth(1976),Davie Bowie飾演一名沈迷於以看電視來理解地球人的外星男子。