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2019 Ars Electronica Linz – From ‘Synesthesia’ to ‘Cross-Species’ Communication
(見面會39) 從聯覺到跨物種溝通─談2019年林茲電子藝術節
October 7th, 2019TYPE: Event

This year Ars Electronica Linz celebrates its 40th anniversary with the theme “Out of the Box – the Middle-Aged Crisis of the Digital Revolution”, which is also worthy of commemoration. In this large-scale exhibition, we will retrace the history of cybernetics through “Synesthesia” and “cross-species communication”. Since World War II the concept of electronic brain has kept to expand and develop, and, it has its impact on the twenty-first-century political model in the form of algorithms and AI. The expansion of information technology has also changed the epistemology of cell biology, such as the understanding of cellular information in the 1980s. With the works of the Ars Electronica as case studies, the speaker will exemplify – with the coming of the post-genome era and AI – how can we reconsider the legacy of cybernetics today? We, under the wave of post-human and transhumanism, will start the session with ” Introduction to Post-Human Aesthetics”, and discuss the sensation communication and the cross-species in this festival, such as plantationcene, biological sculptures, non-human species communication systems, and possible contemporary related disputes.


Enkaryon Ang, a poet and critic, has published two poetry collections, Rorschach Inkblot (2009), and Hedgehog (2014). His poems were also collected in the anthologies, Post-80 poets of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (2013) and Evidences of Living (2014). He is one of the editors of the magazine for literature critics, Secret Reader.




Host 印卡Enkaryon
Date October 16th, 2019 19:30-21:00